Last part of the 4 Series as we introduce the great men and women, the nominees behind the Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards. The Next time, we will introduce to you the 12 Judges who will judge the Blog Content, Blog Element, and Blog Metrics of the nominees. Stay Tuned! And hey, blog about this event or mention about it and you will be added to the sidebar's list.
A Grateful Heart, USA

Shawie of A Grateful Heart is an Engineer who is married to a thoughtful and loving American based in Orange County California. She said: "I grow up in an island where everybody knows everybody. I'm glad there's a place for me to write on anything to free my mind from all the clutters. At least, it's not stuck and accumulated somewhere inside. I believe we all have to live, learn and share:) That's the very best inspiration for me to write. We all have unique experiences, different situations and options; yet, everything remains the same..."

Janeth Vicy is now married to Jeff Fields, and is based in Scottsdale Arizona. She is one of the first blogger to be nominated and gained a following to the Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Award. Janeth's blog has nearly a thousand exchange links which makes her very popular. She said: "I am a simple woman who wants to live life to the fullest. I love my family and my husband so much." She recently turned 25 years old, perhaps the youngest nominee in this blog awards.

Kristene, or Tin tin is the woman behind PinayHekmi. She said: "Pinay Hekmi is a pseudonym I invented during a time when I identified myself strongly to being a Filipino woman and a wife of Mr. Hekmi. Those are still two big identifiers for me. I’m a wife and a Mom first and foremost. I’m a woman whose secondary goal in life is to soak up whatever I can from each and every experience. I love our differences and diversity. I’m a joker, a goofball, a pacifist, who can’t claim patience as her virtue. I’m a work in progress..." She write for: PINOYexpats,and Blogkadahan.

Gigi M. Refugia is the woman behind Pansitan Community Portal, with around 27 bloggers from around the world like Kwentong Tambay by Batjay from New York, and Writing on Air of Jim Paredes from Australia. She was dubbed as the "godmother of Pinoy Bloggers. She said: I am a Filipina, originally from Manila, who turned Canadian but now lives in Maryland with my husband who was my schoolmate in high school." "Ate Sienna is perhaps one of the nicest persons you can meet in the Pinoy blogosphere; a warm, vivacious lady who is fondly called “ninang” by her adoring contemporaries " - an Article from Manila Bulletin
Manilenya, Canada

Annalyn, aka Manilenya, is Nalen Aguilar in real life based in Canada. She described her blog as:"A real fairy tale story real but tale? Anyways, here's my life and their life...everybody's life. About hope and love or about being away from family and sometimes thinking of not getting to see them at all because the plane ticket is so expensive lol! Mga Karanasan, opinyon, haka-haka, rebuttal ng isang bobang pinay." Her blog and photos are fun and viewed by more than a thousand.

Pedestrian Observer based in the East coast of the United States is a Group Blog composed of Filipino cyber critics of the Arroyo governance in the Philippines and claimed that the country is ravaged by corruption and mismanagement. The contributor writers of the group blog come from different backgrounds respected by their peers in their respective profession and community. Cyber Istambayan The Virtual Hangout Of Filipinos Overseas is also managed by this Pinoy group.
Filipino Life Abroad, USA

Allen's darling, is the wife of Mr. Allen based in the US. She blogs about her life abroad in the US and her relationship with her husband and how others can emulate them. She said: "I can say I am a very simple woman but rocks when it comes to principles in life. I've been there many stages in my life, struggles, obstacles, hardship, difficulties, I pass it all. Still fighting to live my life in the right way even many temptation came in , sunk in , attempt in, along the way. I focus on my dream of becoming a better person someday..."
Derpinsel, Canada is grateful that her blog was nominated. Angela Solis is based in Canada but she deleted her photoblog and converted her site into a photo portfolio so she asked that her blog be removed from the list of nominees.
Toasty Brown's blog, another nominee has not been updated for quite a while...