Have you read your PEBA entry? Well, if not, then the judges will, and hey it's not just your blog entry, they will browse your blogsite as well, and they will be a visitor in your blog in a few days, several days or even a month!
The Judging period will start on November 01, 2009 until the 2nd week of December.
Do we need some lay-out or theme refurbishing or to repaint the color of our walls and sidebars?
Hmmn, it is all up to you.
We got our criteria's here, well, mostly.

There is a team working on the judging matrix, and it will be as transparent as ever. We have come up with a very simple matrix last year.
This year, a 4-man/woman team is working on the matrix, and believe it or not, 3 of them don't know that what they are doing is for the judging. We will deal with utmost confidentiality, and fair and transparent judging.
75 % of the judging will be done by the judges.
15% from the visibility/social metrics
10% from the poll/votes garnered.
We are still looking for sponsors, volunteers and donors. Please help us find sponsors. Thank you!
©2009 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards