We run this project as a mere recognition award for the many wonderful Filipino bloggers who share their thoughts and talents, time and effort to somehow inspire the people around, not just Filipino's but people from all walks of life.
I am an Engineer by profession, my English is limited, my salary is just enough to sustain our needs, but I never ceases in my dream to make a difference. In organizing this award, I didn't seek the help of the rich and famous, the powerful and glorious, the wise and the gorgeous.
I just follow the feeling in my heart, the passion in my mind, thinking of the happiness it will brings, and the memories that comes along with the experience.
I received several comments and postings, emails and even calls; I should put to rest my foolishness, and I will be better off if I will spare others, in riding to their popularities
I have been judged doing this to fuel my desire to raise my blog metrics, and I've been labeled as 'opportunist' and 'without credibility' and I keep my peace.
I move on, quietly, and the nominees despite knowing this search project doesn't include monetary prize still continue displaying the banner, and eventually gave them all the poll widget so their respective visitors can vote to their own blogsite.
I am currently looking for the judges, who will volunteer too, and Pete Rahon, suggested we should also include looking for Top blogs by region;
Asia and the Pacific
Middle East and Africa
US and Canada
If you haven't voted yet, please vote above for your favorite Expats/OFW blogs!