ALEXA Rank is a relative measurement on how popular a web site among the Internet community. Alexa is relative because it depends on the data of Alexa Toolbar users.
Read more here about Alexa Ranking, and here too.
1. A Grateful Heart, USA 120,109
2. Manilenya, Canada 142,968
3. Writing on Air, Australia 143,473*
4. Pinay Hekmi Ponders USA 143,473*
5. Pansitan ni Ate Sienna, USA 143,473*
6. Euroangel Grafitti, Germany 246,688
7. J Vicey’s Life Journey, USA 677,202
8. Pinoy X sa Saudi, S. Arabia 1,164,846
9. Derpinsel, Canada 1,313,094
10. Ronel Livelihood, UK 1,428,314
11. Francesca in France, France 1,537,508
12. Wits and Nuts, Abu Dhabi ,UAE 1,601,452
13. Pedestrian Observer, USA 1,718,210
14. Sleepless in KL, Malaysia 1,955,646
15. Desert Prince, Kuwait 2,019,900
16. Rey Ian's Blog, Japan 2,969,884
17. Mumsified, Malaysia 3,137,011
18. Pamatay Homesick, Kuwait 5,791,377
19. Filipino Life Abroad, USA 6,437,389
20. Rhapsody, Dubai ,UAE 8,337,535
21. The Sandbox, Saudi Arabia 9,659,092
22. Evita in Europe, Italy 10,418,262
23. Pinoy In Iraq , Iraq 17,822,138
Sari Saring Kulay, Japan None for this moment**
Toasty Brown None for this moment***
* Pinay Hekmi, Ate Sienna, and Writing on Air are being hosted by and Alexa reports the rank of Pansitan not the actual blog site. We already requested separate report for the 3 mentioned blogs URL.
** Sari Saring Kulay is being hosted by Live Journal, and again, Alexa rank Live Journal not the actual site with sub-domain. We also requested result for the suggested site/blog URL.